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Location: 381 Milton Keynes UK Working Hours: Mon - Friday 09:00 - 17:00

Our Mission

We want to ensure young people feel
valued and listened to

Agile Care Solutions provides supported accommodation to young people aged 16-18 and potentially up to 25. Our service is tailored to the needs of young people from all backgrounds, no matter the complexity of their needs. We specialize in emotional and behavioural difficulties with a multidisciplinary team to manage challenging behaviour and support young people in managing their emotions and using their strengths to develop in each area of their lives.

Agile Care Solutions provides a warm, safe, and caring environment for young people leaving care, either from residential or foster, into supported accommodation where they can be supported and enabled to develop their skills towards independence and grow into young adults. We want to ensure young people feel valued, listened to, and develop positively in each area of their lives, providing them with a strong foundation for their transition into adulthood.

Founded in 2023, Agile Care Solutions aims to raise the bar for accommodation standards for vulnerable children and young people in the UK.

Created by Dr. Pankaj Agarwal to help young people’s journey to independence. “I want to create nurturing environments to help young people’s journey through childhood to adulthood. These young people are some of the most vulnerable in society and deserve the chance to build a positive future.”

Pankaj has over 18 years of experience in general and forensic psychiatry. “As part of my personal development, I understand that many positive and negative future outcomes are often linked to the living environment. If I can help to influence the future of children, then I am a happy man!”In addition to his work in psychiatry, Pankaj has established a successful property management company. “I always ensure my properties adhere to the highest standards. It is very important that I provide homes not just houses”

"I always ensure my properties adhere to the highest standards. It is very important that I provide homes not just houses"

Pankaj Argawal
CEO & Founder
Agile Care Mission

We provide a warm, safe, and caring environment for young people

Valuing every aspect of a young person's life, we embrace a person- centered approach , ensuring everyone leads their care planning with support and guidance from experiences and passionate professionals

Our services are tailored to the needs of the young person and the objectives of their responsible authority, all while maintaining excellent service standards

About Us
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